DigiTalk EP7 — Tokenizing RWA: Opportunities & Challenges

28 min readJun 19, 2024


In the latest episode of DigiTalk on June 14th, we were honored to invite JOLTIFY, RWA, Blocksquare, XEND Finance, and BUK Protocol to discuss “Tokenizing RWA Opportunities & Challenges”. We explored the opportunities and challenges of Real World Asset (RWA) tokenization. Below, we provide a detailed recap of the key insights and discussions from this event, highlighting the entire operating logic behind tokenizing RWA.

Listen to the recap

Host: This is another episode of DigiTalk hosted by DigiFinex Exchange, which is a full ecosystem exchange app, a full value opportunity with campaigns in obviously a lot of areas to stake in opportunities to grow your bag within the ecosystem. But ultimately, they foster a safe environment for you to be able to control your assets and find log value.

In this episode, we aim to explore the opportunities and challenges of RWA (Real World Asset) tokenization. Our guest projects are at the forefront of developing future prospects in this exciting field. We will hear from experts who are leading the charge in integrating real assets with blockchain technology, providing valuable insights into the complexities and potential of this space. The potential is immense, and I am thrilled to have some of the best in the business here to discuss it.

JOLTIFY will uncover the intricacies of RWA tokenization, share groundbreaking innovations, and discuss the pathway for transforming technology and creating valuable opportunities within your portfolio. With that said, I’d love to jump right into it. We’ll start with a brief introduction of each speaker. I’ll call on each of you to give a quick one or two-minute overview of your role and what you’re doing within your project. Let’s begin with Joltify Finance. Please lead us off with a brief introduction. JOLTIFY: Hi, good morning, good afternoon, and good evening, everyone. Thank you for inviting us to discuss this very special topic. I’m thrilled to be here and to provide a brief introduction of our products and what we’re working on. I’m from the Joltify team, and I serve as the CTO of the Joltify project. We are building an RWA (Real-World Asset) platform, which serves as the cornerstone of our entire ecosystem. Our goal is not only to focus on RWA but to develop a comprehensive ecosystem around it. We are an L1 (Layer 1) chain, and I oversee all coding and system development. That’s a brief introduction to our platform and project. Thank you.

Host:Thank you, that’s awesome to hear. My friends and I have been discussing how RWAs are set to make their mark, and we’re already seeing it happen. So, thank you for taking the lead on that. Infrastructure is crucial for any foundation in crypto. Now, Ugo (XEND Finance), could you please introduce yourself and tell us about your project? XEND: Hello everyone, I’m Ugochukwu Aronu, co-founder and CEO of Xend Finance. At Xend Finance, we’re developing a universal framework and an L1 blockchain dedicated to reward asset tokenization and on-chain management. Our journey began in 2019 as 85 Protocol, and we’re proudly supported by ByteDance and Google. Over time, we’ve grown to serve 160,000 users, primarily across Africa. Our focus now is on building the infrastructure to support reward asset tokenization and various DeFi protocols. Our goal is to attract projects and business partners to this sector of the industry and make real-world asset tokenization a reality. Thank you. Host: Thank you, it’s great to have you here from Xend Finance, a project I’m quite familiar with. As I mentioned earlier, we have veterans in their respective fields who are bringing their expertise to the forefront of our discussion. It’s encouraging to see a mix of both innovative newcomers and seasoned veterans coming together for tokenization. With that said, Kevin (RWA Inc.), would you like to introduce yourself briefly?

RWA: Hello everyone, my name is Kevin Yuni, and I’m the founder and CEO of RWA Inc. We specialize in reward assets and operate within an investment ecosystem. We have established a robust network of infrastructure partners, blockchain collaborators, and other key stakeholders. Currently, I’m focused on diligently preparing for the launch of our RWA token on several top-tier exchanges.

Host: Yeah, that’s exciting news, Kevin. You’re clearly in the thick of things right now, and this milestone is just a small step on what I imagine is a massive roadmap ahead for you. Your marketing and exposure efforts must really be taking off. It’s an exhilarating phase for any project, seeing everything come together and resonate with the community.

Now, Denis, why don’t you give us an introduction? While many of us are familiar with you and Block Squares, there are likely others here who would love to learn more about your background and what Block Squares is all about.

BST: Thank you for the invitation. I’m Dennis, the CEO and co-founder of Blocksquare ($BST). Blocksquare specializes in the tokenization of real estate assets and has been active since 2017–18. To date, we have tokenized over $100 million worth of real estate assets across more than 20 countries. Our team of 35 people is distributed globally, with members from Australia to the US.

At Blocksquare, we provide infrastructure for real estate entrepreneurs looking to integrate their assets into the Web3 and crypto ecosystems. We enable them to manage or own real estate assets through their networks, leveraging the benefits of blockchain technology.

Host: Absolutely, I’m a huge fan of Blocksquare and everything you’re achieving there. It’s really exciting to have you here today, representing them and pioneering RWA in real estate. Your focus is invaluable, and we’ve had many insightful conversations about it. I’m truly glad you could join us. Buck Protocol: Hey everyone, first of all, thanks for kicking off this space. Your energy is truly contagious and it’s an exciting start for us. I appreciate everyone for hosting this event.

At Book Protocol, we focus on creating secondary markets for what we call dynamic assets — items with expiration dates. This includes event tickets, hotel room bookings, airline tickets, and more. Imagine using platforms like Expedia or where you can find a resell button. Clicking on this button allows our technology to tokenize your booking, enabling you to resell it. For instance, you might sell a $100 booking for $120 or $150. Meanwhile, buyers on platforms like OpenSea, Kayak, or Skyscanner can purchase these bookings. This is how we facilitate a vibrant secondary market for assets with expiration dates.

Question 1: Is tokenization of real assets a complex process? Please explain how your project approaches RWA organizations and what type of assets you focus on. JOLTIFY: I appreciate the question, which is crucial for every project engaging in RWA. At Joltify, we bring a unique approach due to our team’s diverse expertise: technical prowess and decades of financial experience in the physical world. Our tokenization process differs in that we operate as an L1 chain, enabling Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) to raise funds on our platform through community voting.

Initially, we meticulously vet SPVs, prioritizing those from developed countries with strong reputations and financial licenses. Over time, we aim to democratize this process by allowing multiple SPVs to submit proposals, subject to community approval. Once listed, each SPV undergoes an AMA session to transparently showcase their background and intentions, aiding investor decisions.

Investors undergo mandatory KYC procedures before SPVs evaluate their suitability. Upon mutual agreement, a confidential contract is signed, facilitating investment. Funds are then deployed into the physical world by SPVs, and investors receive NFTs representing their participation in specific pools. Should an investor wish to exit, a transfer window allows others to acquire their NFT, ensuring liquidity within our Joltify chain ecosystem.

This structured approach governs how we tokenize real-world assets, focusing initially on financial products and real estate from established markets like the US, Australia, and Singapore. Currently, we’re onboard with a US-based SPV, with an Australian counterpart soon to follow, engaging in finance and real estate development. Thank you for the opportunity to share our methodology.

Question 2: How does your project approach tokenization and how your project has been able to be successful in tokenization and the fields that they’re tokenizing? XEND: At Xend Finance, our approach to tokenization prioritizes legal compliance and asset verification. Before any asset is tokenized, we implement a robust framework called the Independent Entity Council (IEC) for asset authentication and compliance validation. These independent entities are recognized for their expertise in verifying assets across different regions.

Our tokenization process includes the Origin Studio, a user-friendly tokenization system currently under design. This platform automates the connection process to IECs based on the asset’s location, ensuring stringent Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures are met. Once verified, the IEC issues a score that is transmitted on-chain through our asset chain blockchain. This transparency allows stakeholders to view and assess the asset’s rating and status.

Beyond initial verification, our system facilitates ongoing updates to maintain asset integrity. This continuous monitoring ensures that investors have up-to-date information about their investments. Importantly, our infrastructure is open for anyone to connect and utilize, not limited to Xend Finance. Real-world asset projects, such as land or property ventures, can also participate as validators or tokenize their assets, fostering a collaborative ecosystem.

In essence, our focus on robust legal compliance and verification infrastructure addresses critical challenges in real-world asset tokenization. By providing an accessible platform for asset validation and tokenization, we aim to enhance transparency and trust within the industry. Thank you for the opportunity to share our approach.

RWA: Our approach aligns closely with yours. Initially, we conduct thorough due diligence and KYC checks to ensure the asset’s legitimacy and ownership rights. We categorize tokens into two primary types: utility tokens, which do not confer ownership, and security tokens, which represent ownership and are classified as securities under regulatory frameworks. While there may be overlaps where utility tokens could potentially be considered securities, that debate merits separate discussion.

Once tokenization is established, regulatory compliance becomes paramount. We assess the issuer’s jurisdiction-specific requirements and legal frameworks, helping them align their policies with regulatory standards. This comprehensive approach guides issuers through the entire tokenization process, culminating in listings on both centralized and decentralized exchanges in collaboration with our partners.

We’ve streamlined this process into a token factory, where predefined procedures facilitate seamless navigation from tokenization to exchange listings. This structured approach ensures regulatory adherence and facilitates market access for issuers seeking to tokenize their assets.

Host: It’s fascinating to see the diverse approaches each platform brings to RWA tokenization, each with its own unique methods that are clearly effective. Ensuring security and regulatory compliance is paramount in our industry, given the nuanced requirements across different jurisdictions. Missing even a minor detail can pose significant challenges, considering the varying speeds at which governments operate compared to our fast-paced industry.

Navigating these complexities requires dedication and attention to detail. It’s commendable to see teams not only prioritizing regulatory adherence but also seizing opportunities to innovate and transform sectors through blockchain technology. Balancing these priorities is no small feat, yet it’s crucial for fostering both trust and growth in the ecosystem.

Question 3: What technological innovations has your project introduced to facilitate the tokenization of real assets, and could you also share insights on how Block Square has innovated in the real estate sector? Kevin: We leverage a variety of technologies and streamlined processes to optimize our operations, as navigating the intricate phases of an RWA tokenization project can be time-consuming. Currently, we’re focused on finalizing our roadmap, which we’re excited to unveil in the coming weeks. Our team has been diligently outlining this plan, aligning it with the vision set by RWA Inc.’s leadership group. The roadmap will showcase our integration of AI, blockchain, and other cutting-edge technologies, all intertwined in a compelling manner. Host: It’s definitely exciting to see the integration of AI within the ecosystem, a trend that continues to grow without any sign of slowing down. The combination of RWA and AI is particularly promising, especially in addressing compliance and security issues in real-time. Imagine AI algorithms processing government announcements instantly, ensuring that platforms stay ahead of regulatory updates. The potential impact of AI in this space is enormous and will likely play a pivotal role.

And for those looking to get involved early in the RWA sector, exploring innovative projects like Blocksquare is crucial. They’re pioneering solutions to real estate tokenization that promise to reshape the industry. Following their updates on platforms like Twitter is a great way to stay informed and potentially participate in their journey.

In my view, RWA represents a future-proof opportunity for blockchain, offering significant value and growth potential for portfolios. It’s essential to conduct thorough research and stay connected with industry leaders like those on this panel. They’re bringing invaluable insights and advancements to the ecosystem that shouldn’t be overlooked.

With that said, I’d love to hear more about what Blocksquare is currently focusing on in the real estate sector. Your innovations are truly inspiring!

Denies: Absolutely, it’s fascinating to hear about Blocksquare’s journey through the various market cycles and how RWA, particularly in real estate, has gained strength as a narrative over time. Real estate, being historically resilient and stable, certainly adds credibility to the RWA concept, especially during bear markets where investors seek fundamentals they can trust.

Regarding technology and innovation, your insights into the early days of building Blocksquare’s infrastructure highlight the challenges and the evolving landscape of blockchain integration. It’s impressive how you navigate through developing missing components and integrating existing technologies to enhance your platform’s capabilities.

The emphasis on asset provenance and ownership verification is crucial, especially in real estate tokenization. Leveraging public registries and established processes like title searches ensures that assets are legitimately owned and ready for tokenization. This approach not only enhances trust but also streamlines the compliance aspect, which is pivotal for broader adoption in the RWA space.

Blocksquare’s focus on standardizing the tokenization process for real estate assets is groundbreaking. By lowering the cost barriers associated with tokenization, you’re democratizing access to this asset class. Enabling fractional ownership further enhances liquidity and flexibility in real estate investments, catering to both large-scale and smaller investors exploring tokenized assets.

Your strategy of integrating tokenization into the capital stack of real estate investments allows for greater market fluidity and accommodates varying investor appetites. This approach not only nurtures early-stage adoption but also sets the stage for significant growth in RWA transactions.

Overall, Blocksquare’s innovative approach to real estate tokenization is not only transformative but also essential in shaping the future of asset management on blockchain. It’s exciting to witness how your platform continues to evolve and pave the way for a more inclusive and efficient real estate investment landscape.

Host: Hundred percent agree. Thank you for that. And I love that. That was exactly what I was looking for kind of understanding a lot more of what you’re bringing to the table and how you’re being able to bring value in different aspects to the actual people that have a lot of real estate or value. And also, I love how you’ve been able to kind approach on a on a way that you’re I, I, in essence, not RWA, blocking the real world by being able to have any level all as low as 200 k assets been able to come on and have a value within the ecosystem. I think it’s really cool and it allows for much more robust ecosystem and also people looking to invest in a smaller asset class also instead of a big 50 million have us such a small share. If you only have of 10,15 thousand to actually invest into it. I think having a bigger share on smaller asset could be a bigger value depending on the growth of that asset class itself. So just really cool. It’s a unique approach and I love what everybody’s doing here. Obviously, everybody’s doing their own different approach. So are you done? You wanna go ahead and give a touch on that? XEND: Yeah, so thanks a lot. It’s impressive to hear about XEND Finance’s approach to tokenizing a diverse range of assets, including African artworks and vintage vehicles, which may not have been accessible for global investment previously. Your emphasis on fractional ownership is particularly noteworthy because it democratizes access to these assets, allowing more people to participate in their value and potential appreciation.

The concept of embedding specific rights within the asset’s smart contract is also innovative. This not only establishes ownership but also delineates usage rights, such as rights for cultural or commercial purposes. It adds a layer of flexibility and utility to tokenized assets, making them more versatile and appealing to a broader range of investors and users.

Moreover, your integration with EVM-compatible chains and bridges ensures interoperability, which is crucial for expanding the reach and liquidity of these tokenized assets across different platforms and ecosystems.

Overall, Xend Finance’s approach underscores the transformative potential of blockchain technology in unlocking previously inaccessible asset classes and democratizing investment opportunities. It’s clear that your platform is paving the way for a more inclusive and diverse landscape in asset tokenization.

Thank you for sharing these insights into how Xend Finance is shaping the future of RWA and asset tokenization. BUK: Yeah, so I just want to call out contrarian view on how we believe adoption could actually hit mainstream for something like real world asset tokenization, right? One of the things that we’ve seen in this space, in the crypto space, I, is that adoption has been driven by retail market. Retail users are the ones who created the market and they’re the ones who are actually growing it further and further, right? And any new market, I believe that’s how it gets adoption, its own adoption.

Now from our perspective, even with real world asset tokenization, we’ve kind of created a niche which is more enterprise oriented, more institution, no more regulatory structures oriented. And to some extent, I would say that majority of retail folk might not get what is being traded, what’s being, what’s the value of it, how do you value it, what’s the regulation around it, etc. Right? So our approach to this is that we want to bring more retail folk into understanding how real world can be tokenized. And that can only start when we bring in things that they use on a day to day basis, right, things that they understand. And that’s why we’ve brought in transactions that they would do on a day to day basis to kick off the market with things like an event ticket or a hotel room booking or an airline ticket. And all the things that we can do with real estate can be done over here as well in terms of fractionalization, in terms of creating Joltify markets around it, validation, provenance, etc. All of those aspects hold a lot of value here as well. So we believe that we’re kind of triggering the entire adoption for this particular sector by making it more and more accessible to everyone, right? That’s on the consumer side. On the other side, if you see how the users have been transacting with these kind of transactions, right? I mean, they typically go to an Expedia or they go to a Ticketmaster or any site that is there locally operating. So it’s also important to onboard these existing businesses so as to bring them into mainstream blockchain kind of technology, so as to take it for a larger adoption as well. So that’s why the way that we have designed our technology is completely open, which means that any service provider who has a marketplace, who is dealing with assets that we have currently built out our solution for can just connect to those APIs and provide these functionalities even to web, to users without any need for a meta mask, wallet or crypto, etc. All the blockchain and the tokenization and the NFT part of it is completely abstracted out and is underlying infrastructure that it is operating. Just like you don’t know if you using Expedia, you don’t know if it is AWS server or Google cloud Server is the same way we’ve kind of abstracted out the entire blockchain and NFT technology to bring all of the benefits that web 3 can bring into these kind of areas as well. So that’s a different kind of an approach that we’ve taken, which we’re quite hopeful will give a lot of benefits, not just for us but also for the entire space to bring, make it more mainstream for sure. Host: Definitely agree. A lot of that sentiment. Retail definitely moves the market and definitely shifts the way things grow and continually discount. I mean, that the masses is worth the movement is. So definitely love that approach and I agree with that. Go ahead, Joltify. JOLTIFY: Yeah, thanks for asking this question. So I want to just focus on the technology part of what Joltify is doing. So actually, we’re the L1 chain and we’re based on the Cosmos SDK. So actually, they take advantage of all the points of the, what cosmos that have achieved. And actually, I’m a cryptographer. I did my PhD 6 years ago. And I c previously I was working for the store chain. Actually, I implement the multi party signature parts of social, which is currently using now. So I contribute most of the code there. So actually, I bring that knowledge into our platform too. So for our general chain, we have the bridge and we will implement multi party competition to secure the fund. And also we implement RBC, which means we can move the fund from our chain to all the cosmos face chance training. And IBC is a developed technology from the cosmos ecosystem.

So we take advantage of that and the security is based on the the whole cosmos come community, not only on justify side. And we also implement a kind of quota system. And we wireless the SBV so they can move the fund freely because they’re doing the KYC with with a with a drive by a platform. And for the attackers, if they want to attack, actually they have they will hit that’s quota and they will be like blocked and we will scan their accounts and we will stop them if we find some unusual accounts, malicious activities and we can easily identify them and we stop them from stealing the money. And we secure this, the fund in the pool. And we also take advantage of the CCDP from this circle, which means we can move this, the USDC and like freely from our chain to the like, for example, Instagram and our launch. And this is and all build on the Circle CCTB protocol. And currently, I will give you some back from our Joltify chain. So we have running our test that for three to four months, there’s zero emergency stop. Everything happen smoothly. And the and the communi, the members in our community says the website is cool and everything moves smoothly and very fast. And we have millions of visits per day. That’s a data from Cloudflare. And we, after the season one competition, we have 90,000 valid users that interact with our chain and get the like the credits from the like interactions with our chain. And we have definitely maybe 10 times of the users, but we only pick up some like 90 nineteenth thousand users as the like the high valued participants in our chain. So we have zero incident from our channel. And we also have our mainland strategy and we have already have some funds and people are play with our system already. So there’s no problem company. And I think we’re very strong team in technology. So that’s all for this question. Thank you. Host: Thank you. I’d love highlighting, especially seeing kind of the underlying technology they’re using from the blockchain just to facilitate your ecosystem to bring value for RWA. Cuz I definitely love what cosmos been doing for a long time. I definitely, I believe that’s like a hidden gem that everybody knows about. It’s weird how that works. So it’s just really cool to be able to see you utilize blockchain technology and bring it into RWA ecosystem, but also it’s a needed in its own value. So I definitely love that. That’s obviously awesome. I love the work that you done, the credibility you and your CEO bring to the table. So it’s really cool to see just overall the way you are approaching RWAs and still bringing huge value to existing in the ecosystem at the block, the cosmos ecosystem in their community. Cuz it’s huge. I do a lot of work over there. I’ve been a validator for the cosmos probably for about three years now. So it’s just really cool to see the type of work and collaboration. I think we’re such a small community as blockchain. We need to all kind of start coming together in different ways to bring value to each other so that when the retail does come, they can see the inherent value and want to be a part of it in the growth that way. I think that’s important. So it’s really cool.

Question 4: What is your project’s primary focus right now, amidst the current bullish market phase — the community engagement, market exchanges, listings, or product development? BUK: Yeah, that’s a great question to kind of get value out of the call for everyone as well. We’ve been building for the last one and a half, two years. So we’ve done a lot of work in terms of partnerships, in terms of product development. What we’re looking at right now is to expand our community, is to make more people be aware of what we’ve been building, what we have already built. And there are quite a lot of social campaigns that are currently running, plus a really large scale points issuance based program that we’re launching next month. So obviously for the all the people on the call, we’re going to have this awesome campaign coming up. So do join the community itself. And that’s largely what we’re looking at right now. Host: I agree. And community focus is important, especially just like you, a lot of you are real early here, Joltify and what Kevin and their team are doing over there. RWA: Yeah, I mean, I would love to give a brief of on that. We at the moment are really focusing on clients and also on products. We wanna optimize the process and make it much more fast to actually issue your token and get your token to the market. So that’s big focus area right now. And also, as I explained a little bit earlier, we have really scaling on product now. And these are two of my favorites, sales and products. So I could talk about that for hours. But what really is amazing about the RWA industry is that we’re not in competition, but we actually working together as an industry. And that is really what have blown me away that we all, even though two companies, I’m the same segment and would be considered competitors, we actually working together, sharing our assets and sharing our communities, making joint partnerships and marketing and so on. So I really think web 3 is amazing. I call myself from the web 2 world where everybody is so and fierce competition with each other. But here it’s like one plus 1 becomes three. And you really utilize on your experience and you work together and you share that trillion dollar market that is out there, there’s no reason to compete with such a market potential. So that’s really our philosophy to really partner also with the speaker here and really make think tanks and all kinds of activities to really change how the industry works moving forward. So that’s also an invite from me to the other BA players here to reconnect with us and create synergies. Host: I freaking love it, man. Kevin, you’re killing it right now. I’m definitely gonna be checking out your ecosystem and I definitely wanna stay in touch. And we’re all in conversation here. We’re all in groups. So I would definitely would love to have all you that are looking to collaborate or looking to bring some type of campaign or even just communicate between each other on the technology in the background side and find value that you’re gonna be able to bring to RWA different ecosystems that you’re building. I think it’s gonna be great not only for the future in retail, but for the people that are already invested in your guys’ ecosystem and are looking forward to seeing the growth and seeing the potential, and I see your hand at JOLTIFY, so let’s get your piece on that. Really do appreciate you’re being patient. JOLTIFY: Thank you. And for this question, actually, currently josifies for more focus on the community and exposure. Because you know, we already have our main net ready and we will have a SPV be listed very soon. And this SDV is a it’s a big boy. You know, it’s has been processing $700 million in Australia and they have process more than 100 projects and there’s a zero default, which is a very good reputation in the physical world. So we have to spend a lot of energy talking with them and we have a very good relationship with them. And finally, they’re happy to be listed on our platform and they’re happy to raise money on our platform. And the things like currently JOLTIFY has to do is like, how can we express this good news to the community? Because they gave them stable client return, which is different from a lot of GameFi or define because they give you their tokens. And if their token give value, actually your portfolio, it may be very bad. We give the civil coin as return and you’re signing with a very reputable company in US, Australia. So actually it’s a it’s very good project and very good. It can be very good for you. So how can we spread this news, good news to the community? So that’s our focus. And we have already started doing that. And we attend different ams. And we have some people help us to like spread the news and we trying to reaching out to more people and let them know the value here because people from developing countries, they may have very limited access to the good assets in developed countries because the regulations, because of physical restrictions and JOLTIFY bridging this kind of people from the developing countries to the good projects in the developed countries. So we trying to educate people and we trying to let’s the combinational stuff, what we’re offering and what is our vision. And yeah, we’re working hard on this. Thank you for this question. I love. Host: It. I love it, man. I think that’s a unique approach also. It’s like you’re not only trying to bridge the gap between assets and blockchain, we’re RWA, but also the user bases and the value that they can get. Yeah, on the places that they can’t be able to invest in these type investment because there isn’t there just not there to for them to invest in. Yeah and then there’s a lot of developing countries that, like here in the United States, even where I live, I can drive around and see development happening and being able to have an investment opportunity that somebody in Asia or in South America or in Africa be able to invest into the growth of that and get value out of that. I think that right there alone is huge. And yeah, and thank you. And I thank your team for saying that and being able to approach that in a smart way because it also, I think that value in the blockchain, like we’ve all said, is to change those lives. And there’s a lot of people that don’t have the opportunity. Yeah that I have yeah, to invest even though I don’t have tons of money to invest, I still have the opportunity, yeah, to do it. So, and I think that is gonna be great for you.

And I appreciate you kind of highlighting that a couple of times during this AMA because I want people, especially community members here, to be able to say, hey, I wanna check out JOLTIFY. I wanna go see if I can buy some real estate from somewhere in Europe and, and he’s in, and he could be in Australia. You just never know. I think that’s so cool. So you’re also bridging the community to bridging the gap for the investors, the communities, the growth and blockchain ethos all in one place. So that’s really cool. And that being said, I’d love to move on to my last question. I know we can probably talk about RWA for the rest of the day. And we would probably just keep going and have even more to talk about because as we talk, like I have more stuff going in my head about RWAs and what the possibilities are. The technology is endless and we’re all innovating in this. And we all kind of really see the value of the long term, not just the short term bringing our value to the ecosystem and making our investors in our community you know, have that great value. But we will, how we’re gonna be able to set the fit foundation and the footing and infrastructure for that long term 10,20,30 years from now, when the trillion dollars worth of value is actually realized here on the blockchain, it’s going to be exciting. But I always like to look ahead of a little bit shorter term. But you know, cuz we talked about what you are focusing on now, obviously the Bull Run is apparent. Retail is coming. You know, and I like to, and not necessarily touch Alpha, because you obviously have been building a lot, doing a lot, but you have a roadmap that’s probably a robust one. I’d like to kind of understand what kind of future development that you are kind of thinking is gonna be a key for either you, the RWAs, or your ecosystem itself as retail, as the explosion of RWAs kind of increases. Now I just pick your guys’brain. Obviously everybody listening, this is not something set in stone. This is future development. But I just like to kind of pick your brain on the different types of ideas you are kind of fostering within the ecosystem. You believe over the next two to three months it’s going to be kind of big for the overall ecosystem.

Question 5: What significant developments and ideas do you believe will shape our ecosystem in the next two to three months?

Dennis: It is just, I think like the holy grail of tokenization, whatever real world asset you’re bringing on chain is liquidity. And in the end, what we’re trying to achieve is as an ecosystem or RWA projects are to bring liquidity that comes from web 3 into the real world, but as well to get the web 3 economy exposure to real world assets, right? So whatever can create more efficient markets, I think that’s a focus that is probably across the board. What we’re doing at Last Square is we’re building up Ocean Point, which is our liquidity engine for the ecosystem, and it’s being powered by the Dow. And basically, what we are kind of really focusing on is getting that to the, out of beta in a way where we have defined milestones and functionalities that we’re achieving and delivering work. Currently at 0.5, which just brought a new launchpad to our ecosystem and basically is giving governance, additional governance rights to our token holders to kind of vote on projects, marketplaces that are building on blocks, which infrastructure to basically receive the ability to launch with us without any costs. And I think that democratization of access to technology is what makes web 3 potentially beautiful, because you can get an entrepreneur to start working using a ready made protocol, already made infrastructure without investing too much of their basically capex into creating that infrastructure. Just like we have built on top of ethereum, real estate companies can build on top of block Square. And I think that is a value of its a very big value proposition in the markets. Now in terms of future development, I always think that user experience is king, especially when you come to touching people that have less experience with using wallets, with using self custody and so forth. There’s obviously certain things that we can’t go around because of the nature of web3 and how these assets that people can purchase now are being held. So security and UX need to work hand in hand, and this is something that we have on our roadmap. We’ve just now started, our marketplace team has just now initiated the development of the second iteration, which is a big rebuild of the UI of our marketplaces platform that’s gonna bring a diverse experience for end users. We expect this to come out somewhere probably in Q4 this year, hopefully at the beginning of Q4. That’s what we’re aiming at and quite excited about this development because it’s gonna bring a much badly needed user experience to people looking into tokenizing real estate. Host: I definitely agree about the user experience and I think that’s across the board with everything that has to do with products, period, right? In the real world user experience, they pay so much to make sure that the user experience is 100% the best thing possible. And I think that as much as blockchain inherently has its issues, it’s starting to shift into that much more seamless interaction, fast in connection and right to the product kind of just how web 2 is, how you just sign in with Google and then you’re right into it. Now I think blockchain is slowly kind of moving it. And so what you are doing over there at Block Square and with this new version coming out, obviously like that, basically a makeover to what is already a powerful ecosystem is going to be great. And I’m looking forward to 0 Ocean Point being released and everything going great because I definitely agree with the liquidity part. Like we’re talking, like I was talking about earlier with the future proof of blockchain and RWA at least helps a lot with the underlying ecosystem when it when the bear market starts, at least that’s really cool. Anybody else wanna touch on a little bit? I know that we, some of you are really early. So the future is still obviously kind of questionable, like when it comes to what you’re developing, because you’re so early, you need start getting data, you need start getting analytics, that utilization with the community. So I know there’s so a lot of growth aspects, especially with RWA Ink books and JOLTIFY. But I know Ugo, I know you have been around for a very long time. I’ve actually been a huge fan, been working and getting value added and finance for many years now. So I don’t know if maybe you wanted to touch on something you are kind of focusing on over the next couple months as your future development that you have been teasing or that’s on your roadmap you wanna touch on before we get into some closing statements cuz we’re top of the hour. But I just wanna make sure I get all the value I can to you. And then I do have one little announcement at the end, so community members don’t wind away. There’s one little thing at the end that’s gonna be rewarding for you sticking around and listening to all the key speakers here and we talk about the RWAs. XEND: Yeah, thanks a lot. Yeah, so for us, really our focus for the next couple of months is building the community and then launching our, the test that will be launching a couple of weeks, maybe like maybe in a week or two. And then the main nets and maybe like two months after work. But yeah, our re, our main focus as we’re doing releasing is also is to build the community because for us, if able to attract a huge amount of people using your product, I mean, it’s a no brainer. It just helps to those people to become your marketers, right? And because it’s on the blockchain, we’re trying to make sure that anyone can access it from anywhere in the world. Yeah, so that’s our major aim right now in the next couple of months, releasing the main nets and as well releasing the tokenization engine, the Origin Studio, and also an interface like an aggregate or where people can now see asset status, the verifications, who has done what verification, the score of each asset, the deployer of an assets, the score. And yeah, that’s basically what we’re aiming for in the next couple of months. Thank you. Yeah, I mean, this was really a very good space, very happy I have to be in Amanda and presentation. But yeah, I was really great. Thank you very much, everyone. Host: Thank you, man. I appreciate it, man. Really, ultimately, I love what everybody’s doing here. Obviously, you see my energy. I think that technology at the forefront. We are here. This is the Wild West of innovation and technology. So I love what everybody’s been building here. The value you’ve brought is fantastic. I do have one announcement for the community. For everyone who has been sticking around, listening to all the valuable insights and soaking in education, and possibly discovering new opportunities to expand their portfolio with more exposure. Good luck to everyone who’s striving to win and be part of these initiatives. I strongly encourage you to download the app and enable notifications for Digital Finaccess on Twitter. We host frequent AMAs that provide immense value to those deeply involved in the ecosystem. Many of these projects are still in their early stages, offering significant potential. Joining their communities, asking questions, and engaging with active users who have experienced the value firsthand is invaluable if you’re still trying to grasp RWAs. Whether it’s through Telegram, Discord, or other active platforms, you’ll find a vibrant community ready to guide you through the initial phases and help you integrate into the ecosystem.




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