DigiTalk EP3 Recap — The Convergence of AI and Web3

25 min readApr 24, 2024


Last Friday, we were honored to invite experts from AIPower, Pea.AI, Vold and Cryfi to discuss “The Convergence of AI and Web3.” This session brought together leading minds to delve into how these two transformative technologies are coming together to shape the future. Below, we provide a detailed recap of the key insights and discussions from the event, highlighting the potential impacts and opportunities at the intersection of AI and Web3.

Listen the recap▶

Host: We’ll start with the teams. We’ll just give a quick couple minute introduction of each of you guys and what you guys are doing and your role within the company.

Billy: I’m Billy and I’m BD of AIPower. So we are starting with a mobile app called Face AI on the App Store and with features such as converting text to image, image to videos, face web image and videos. We have built a large user space in the App Store with 100k in the App Store and more than 10k for CFA with millions of dollars in revenue.

We’re not stopping there. So the team brought AI technology to the BSC network with a project called AIpower. AIPower is an innovative platform decided to revolutionize the content creation landscape by leveraging enhanced AI technologies with the decision to develop an AI ecosystem by the company on the blockchain network.

Host: So, Pea.AI, go ahead with a little bit of intro with you and what your role is and what you guys are doing over there.

Alex Cooper: My name’s Alex. I’m the community&BD head in North America for Pea.AI and Footprint Analytics. We are a custom GPT community management tool. So if you’re building a protocol and you need some mods, you should just hit me up instead, and I’ll make you guys a custom GPT in five minutes, and I’ll do it for free.

You just give your white paper, your medium, your GitHub, all that sort of fun stuff, and saves community members a ton of time, because instead of having to grind through the white paper, grind through all of your resources to find specific answers about something, you just ask a natural language prompt, and we get it done for you. And we also provide, of course, crypto news, data about tokens, and also analysis as well. So it’s kind of sweet all-in-one GPT tool. So if you’re interested. Hit me up. I’d love to make you one.

Host: I like what you got there. It’s simple, it’s sweet to the point, but it’s very powerful because mods are undervalued in some communities and overvalued in other communities. And I think having a mix of that where you don’t have to overspend on mods but still have a great informative AI GPT platform to help answer the question, it’s really cool. Real powerful things that are needed to help, that’s still take building.

Alex Cooper: One more thing. I got Telegram and discord bots. So if you guys got a telegram or a discord, let me know.

Host: Let’s go over with Cryfi. I want to see what you guys are doing around the space right now and go ahead with your introduction.

Yura Mizin: I’m Yura, founder and CEO of Cryfi and we aim to remove the scammers from the trading world and allow pro traders to prove their trading skills from Telegram or Discord and newbie traders to earn and learn from blockchain verified traders. We are here, I think for purpose DigiFinex, because we also looking for the lead exchange to partner with.

Host: I really do love what DigiFinex has been doing and really love the platform and obviously having a great space to be able to come on and highlight what you’re building. I love what DigiFinex has been doing and it really brings value not only to their ecosystem but to the ecosystem as a whole because a lot of project launching all the time and you can never really see them all out there. And so to have a real powerful AMA like this for us to come together and talk and showcase is really cool. So you got definitely got to give everybody hands down to DigiFinex and what they’re doing in this space. It is really powerful to help a lot of these projects. So with that being said, Joseph, you’re up next. Let’s get an introduction little about yourself and what you’re doing in the space.

Joseph: I’m Joseph. I’m the CEO of a company called Vold AI and what we’re building is a smart agent that’s going to help Web2 users onboard into Web3. We think the biggest opportunity around data and privacy is not coming from Web3 right now. It’s going to be Web2 users coming into Web3. So we’re initially building on Solana. We have some announcements coming up the next week. We’re going to be partnering with a big sports organization in the US in the summer. But what we’ve been building is essentially a personalized AIbot that’s going to understand users intent and give them, nudge them if they want to get into the latest memecoin, if they want to trade, get into DeFi.

And we’re looking at how can we work with sports organizations. How can we help corporates and enterprises better engage with the users, either their fans or supporters, consumers, volunteers, whatever it may be, because we all have like 10, 20, 30 wallets in Web3 on every different chain. But for a Web3 user coming in, the barriers are so high. We really want to reward people in Web 3 for reductions that they’re doing in Web2. So we’ve been building a lot of, or testing a lot of data points. We’ve designed the wallet fully. As I say, we’ll go live with the MVP in the next four weeks. And keep an eye out for next announcement or the announcement in the next week or two.

Host: I will definitely say that the headache that I have trying to tell any of my friends or family about the blockchain, the first step is trying to even tell them about a wallet and how you need a wallet for this chain, but sometimes you need a wallet for this chain, and sometimes no wallet works for any of these chains except for their specific wallet. And I was trying to explain that and then the different fee structures and definitely it is a headache. I think maybe 1% of my entire friends and family actually came into the blockchain and stayed because it’s not about they don’t have the money or they’re not smart. It’s just frustrating to have to constantly check back and forth between so much.

So definitely having something that’s going to organize a lot of that issues or give an easier access for those coming in. And I think that’s kind of the blockchain it is for a lot of people, is when you try to tell them there’s just so much going on that it’s like they have to write a book in order to actually utilize blockchain appropriately. So, definitely cool to see people building stuff that’s going to at least alleviate some of those pains right now.

Joseph: I appreciate that. Another thing we think we need to help solve for Web2 users is, somebody gets a transaction to their MetaMask address, they don’t know if it’s true or if it’s fake. So the whole idea of proof of humanity showing that you’re dealing with another human and an agent can represent that human, I think it’s going to be, must be important at the moment because scams, unfortunately, are everywhere in this space.

So representing what people do in Web3 and having an AI agent to help them do that better and safe and more securely is something that we’re pretty much focused on. And privacy by design is kind of our motto.

Q1: What are real applications, the AI and Web3 that are currently available, and what benefits do they provide to users ?

Yura Mizin: What we can see from our side as Cryfi is that AI is now a really powerful tool in terms of trading. Since trading started to get optimized lots of years ago. I think around five, seven years ago, once the algorithm boom started, everything is started to get optimized with algorithms. And after the AI boom, now we have the AI trading.

So it’s really exciting to see how these AI boards evolving and competing with each other. But of course, you can’t deny that AI trading is here and it will continue to grow and become bigger. And in terms of what we are building, we also intrigued by integrating AI in our platform to train it based on the signal providers that will have and based on that create the AI signal provider which will cater from multiple sources and share his analysis together with the signals.

Host: I definitely agree. I think trading bots and just trading with AI overall and figuring out a faster way to read data and understand analytics at a faster pace is what’s going to drive AI factor in signal trading. And I actually like to utilize bot trading where I just put my money in, I let it mess around,, ups and down trading and the new AI coming out is going to just make things much more easier. Go ahead, Pea, I’d love to get your comment on it.

Alex Cooper: I hate to do the classic shell, but I think we have a great use case for bringing web to adoption. Because just with natural language problems, it’s really easy to kind of understand how to set up a wallet, how to get things done on a protocol, how to trade on a protocol. It just makes it a lot smoother, which I think is just removes that barrier of entry because it’s just kind of a pain. Just doing all this research makes a lot of people lose interest. But if the questions that you ask can get answered right away, that’s huge. And these GPT tools that are coming out, that’s what they’re doing.

Another one, this is a little bit more on the technical side, but I really think, like AI and data security kind of go hand or AI and blockchain go together like PB and J because having your data on the blockchain for AI just makes it so much more secure. Last thing you want is when you’re asking personal questions or you’re asking questions about your lifestyle, last thing you want to do is get that data leaked and sold to marketers and stuff like that. So it’s really nice on the security side of things to be bringing AI over to the blockchain, at least in my opinion.

So I think that’s a really good real world use case. Just having data security, especially we just looked at the Q1 report and there’s still a ton of breaches going on in Web3 right now. So anything we can do to keep it more secure.

Host: I totally agree with that sentiment on security, but also with the ChatGPT show that you did. I also agree with that too, because one thing that I hate is going into like a meme token and I can’t ask a question because it’s blowing up with memes and I can’t get nothing answered. I just want one little simple question answer and having that ChatGPT to just do it for you. Because if I already has in the database, probably it was added because it was probably the most asked question. Go ahead, AIPower. I can’t wait to hear your comment.

Billy: AI spring significant advantage across the various sector. So we can take examples like DeFi, for instance. With AI’s optimizing trading strategies, we’re seeing better SAS allocations and risk management. And for those personalized parents in Dapps, that also AI contains gradients and recommendations. System at work, making users engagement soar. AI is also resurbing governments too, especially with DAOs, by adding decisions making and exchanging transparencies.

Let’s not forget about security. AI powered blockchains for detecting fraud and maintaining system integrity. So from personalized services to supply chain optimizations. I think that AI is revolutionizing how we interact with decentralized system and it is necessary for driving efficiencies, innovations and user satisfaction while fortifying security and trust in the entire decentralized realms.

Host: AI is a very powerful tool and I think it’s being utilized correctly in a lot of areas. But then there are some areas that I think that it’s just going to continually grow and enhance the user experience as we continue to mature the ecosystem and mature the overall data that’s being stored on the AI over time. As it’s learning., I think that it differentiates it from the average computer algorithm, is the fact that it constantly is kind of understanding different pathways to make its job more efficient, which then in turn makes your job more efficient. Because as much as everybody says, AI, is still very young.

Joseph: I think there’s a big opportunity in the future between AI and blockchain as well. When people amassed so much data individually, they’re going to have an opportunity to create bots. So I think companies that can start looking at giving people a platform that allows them to create their own bots with their own data, personalized data, I think it’s going to be a great way for people to actually monetize their own data because I’ve seen lots of companies try to take on Google and Facebook and data ownership and it hasn’t worked.

And I think having some way for a person to capture their own data, turn it into a bottom, then potentially use an AI model based on themselves, like a personal AI model, I think is whoever can create that, I think as one of the other speakers said earlier on, having that security and safety and privacy of your data and putting that person becomes their own personalized data language, I think it’s going to be pretty amazing.

That’s one of the things I’m most excited about in this space. And that’s a great way for people to get rewarded for sharing their own data in the future. And I don’t think blockchain or AI can do it alone. I think they have to go hand in hand. So that’s something I’m very much excited about.

Q2: There’s a lot of misconceptions on there on what AI is right now and what it actually can do. What are some of the biggest misconceptions?

Alex Cooper: Yeah, I think one of the biggest misconceptions right now is that AI will make you have brain wrong, will make you lack comprehensive thinking, critical thinking. But actually I think right now, especially because we are early with AI tools, even GPT-4, I really think you have to be even more critical and have more critical thinking when looking at your responses because we’ve seen mistakes with ChatGPT, and we need to still verify the information that you are receiving.

And even going forward too, in the future when we don’t have to do as much verifying for the information that we get, I still think it won’t actually make you lose that critical thinking. I just think it actually make you more efficient. You can get what you need to be done and you can work on something else. So I think right now the biggest misconception is that AI will make you lazy. But in my opinion, I think AI just makes you more efficient.

Host: I use it all the time. And if you just put something basic on there, it’s going to give you something basic. But if you want to have something a little bit outside the box, even something that you, you can’t even think of, it’s good to have that. It’s like almost your self brainstorming. You can even change the way you do your prompts and the way you do your wordings and it’s going to change a little bit of what its answers are and you can take the information and even that and grow with it.

So as you continue to ask questions, it’s going to be taking some of the information that you’ve constantly already talked about to give you a much more refined answer, or not even just answer, just a much more refined experience. Because AI could be from across many things much more than just prompt. They do music, they do art. There’s just so much and plethora of stuff that you can utilize on AI, just not even on the blockchain, just overall.

Billy: A common misconceptions about AI and Web3 that they assume faultless, efficiencies and, some people think that these technologies have no limitations, can do anything. But I do believe that if we believe in AI and Web3, , blindly stressed, you can get a lead to negligence, essential security measures.

And one of the things that people also believe that AI and Web3 will worsen job loss and inequalities. While some industry may change, new opportunities and skills emerge. It’s crucial to approach the technologies critically, but potentially wide, ensuring responsible development, robust security and fast benefits distributions. And I do think that web is not immune to risk like hacking and fraud.

Host: Like people do say that you’re going to lose jobs with AI, but they said that with every industry that’s ever grown and what happens with every industry is those industries need to be supported that as they grow, so just like the car industry the farming industry, every industry has taken a hit in some way where they thought that that was it. And we’re all still here, we’re all still working. There’s always new industries, always new work.

AI is making things more efficient, changing things, but it’s also in turn bring in more value because you’re making new coders, making information more available. There’s how many times where you used to go to Google for information, but now you get 50 pages of information and none of it’s what you want. Now you can actually go through all of that pages through your AI, ask it the question and they will then allocate the best possible out of those hundreds of pages because they can read them like that, versus you taking in hours and hours to not get the information you’re looking for. So it’s definitely a great user experience and value that is to the everyday user and to businesses.

But I think that it’s not going to take away jobs. It’s only going to enhance and make jobs more available. And it’s all been apparent as of now. There’s more and more people right now that are using AI for various things to start their own businesses or to grow or to do their own thing in this world that allow them to do it that they weren’t able to do before.

Joseph: I think with AI, there’s a lot of scaremongering happening in the media. You have some very senior people in AI saying if we don’t control that, regulate it, it’s going to cause potentially a lot of damage in the future. And then you hear people saying, well, blockchain can actually be the solution, so that can decentralize that centralization of power in AI. So I think this is a really interesting conversation to have because on one side you’re decentralizing everything with blockchain, and then AI at the moment is so concentrated, it’s so centralized. That’s why I think the opportunity is for builders and startups and projects in this space.

We’ve been in this space now personally since 2011, and our first company, we started in 2015, and we’re still learning new things in crypto and blockchain every single day. It’s really amazing to see that. I think how you kind of make it a level playing field for companies that have too much concentration. AI is to decentralize some of those operations. And when you speak with people, lecture like Normies are talking about AI gets too powerful. So the AI conversation is actually more of a topic than the blockchain conversation, which I think is good because people can actually talk about building applications now without talking about SPF or hacks or scams or price dumps and things like this. And that’s why I think it’s really exciting for blockchain to be that almost infrastructure layer for AI.

Host: I think that AI was already pretty good and growing and would had a great foothold. But I think that the blockchain helped explode not only the idea of blockchain as a trend, but blockchain as a utility and a use case on its own.

I think that alone helped grow its early infancy, especially on ChatGPT. The world used it, and then the global, everybody was building something with ChatGPT. Once that was released freely to everybody,, it was just nuts. And so I think that alone helped kind of just that global presence that AI is here to stay and how valuable it is. AI is obviously extremely powerful.

Q3: Can AI and Web3 enhance users accessibility and inclusivity? And if so, how are the projects working towards this? Like what are you guys doing in building to kind of foster more of that accessibility and or inclusivity for those that are either coming into blockchain or already here in Web3 ?

Billy: Without doubt, AI and Web3 is home to tremendous potential to improve accessibility and inclusivity. So our project leverage AI technology to create more users friendly interface and personalized experiences. Our features such as text generating and personal content recommendation character to diverse user needs, making our platform more inclusive.

And we do work closely with accessibility experts to know to identify and address barrier, ensuring that everyone, you know, regardless of abilities or background, can engage smoothly in decentralized ecosystem. Through ongoing collaborations and iterations, we commit to making Web3 more easier to accessible and inclusive space for everyone.

Q4: What skills or knowledge should individuals focus on acquiring to better engage with AI and the Web3 technologies?

Yura Mizin: What I think is really necessary and important is to just learn any AI tools that you can put your hand on. And also to consider your personal background. For example, for me, my background comes from a digital design. So I really enjoy AI tools that help in the design process. Would it be the ideation phase, research phase, or the design itself. So doing so, I’m not afraid that AI will replace designers in the future, because in the future there would be just AI operators. And I think that’s applicable to any other sphere.

If you’re coming from finance, then just search what can help you optimize your work or become better. If you’re good with writing, do so. Research the language models, ChatGPT and others. And I think AI could be applied to 95% of jobs and skills that you have. The sport, the wellness and so on

So, I think taking the niche would really help you to squeeze the information to the point that you can actually extract the value by becoming better in this specific niche and then widen your reach and your knowledge based on what you like and what you want to achieve.

Host: Come from a business management and marketing background from Web2. And I came into Web3 and it was so much different. Like I couldn’t even believe how much different Web3 marketing was from Web2 marketing and obviously has similar aspects to it, but there’s just so much different level to it, how much more social engaged it was. So ChatGPT literally helped me understand that by asking it questions on, how, why does this do this and versus this and, and obviously I had my own knowledge from being in the space for many years, but actually utilizing that information that I’ve been doing and then taking it on the business side, I was a little confused and ChatGPT kind of helped me.

And then like it’s saying even now to today, I do a tons of research every day, not only on tokens, I do it on projects, I do it on team members. And chatGPT helps alleviate a lot of that pressure because I can ask it questions about somebody and if you’re on Google, it’s going to find you. I think ChatGPT can be utilized in so many different ways. It just, in what you utilize your day to day life.

Yura Mizin: I think maybe you also noticed that as we enter the bull market and the quantity of your friends, and especially old friends who are normally not messaging you. They actually stopped messaging you and asking how to enter crypto. And I think AI helped a lot because now all these old friends are coming to ChatGPT to ask and to basically get started instead of DM you and asking, okay, what is a crypto? How to enter? How to do it? please help.

Q5: How do you envision the future AI and Web3 impacting the sector for the project? What you think the future of what AI and the blockchain technology really holds?

Joseph: I think as AI explodes separately to blockchain and crypto space and as they come together, I think, unfortunately going to be a lot more scams and you’re going to hear of a lot more people getting rogue down on money. So I think what’s going to be massively important is to have something that your agent or your representation of you using AI is trusted.

I’m not talking about like a global recognition system, but something where you can have a DeFi reputation or an on chain reputation that you can either decide by default, you can have a private or you can have a public, but something where you know that you’re dealing with another human or a Dex or an exchange as supposedly just a wallet that you don’t know who that represents.

We see this happening all the time, people following people on Twitter, and there may be just one slight change of their actually handle on Twitter, and they think it’s the legit address. So I think as exciting as it is, I think there’s going to be a big focus, or there needs to be a big focus on privacy and security and who you’re trading with, who you’re dealing with, who you’re following. Because as these AI models get more advanced, I think there’s going to have to be safety and precautions in there for the Web2 users coming into Web3. So it’s much of an opportunity as it is, kind of a question that builders need to solve at the same time.

So it’s a lot of money, there’s going to be a lot of data available in this space, and that’s going to bring a lot of attention to crypto and prices. But at the same time, we have the safeguard users coming in, and that, I think, involves a great UX that’s going to be needed, because I think the first 10, 15 years of UX and crypto has been pretty crap, if I’m being brutally honest. It’s been pretty shitty. So I think that needs to improve and that needs to improve along with the safety and security of users, new users coming in. And to me, that’s an exciting opportunity for companies to build in this space so.

Host:I will say the growth and the maturity of new technology depends on the vision of builders and creators. Because truthfully, obviously in the end, user experience and what the builders are building is going to be kind of the road path for AI, because AI is only as powerful as what we build it with. AI right now is not even powerful enough to really search much websites. They can search a front page, but they can’t go through an entire website. There’s so much data has to be driven into it in order for it to be able to go through that data. It doesn’t like, it goes and just picks up all the data out there. So it’s like it has to have a data set and then that data set has to continually be fed in it for it to continually grow. And I think that technology, as it goes, it’s going to foster some really cool stuff with AI.

Yura Mizin: Actually, on this point, I disagree on the AI, because I personally, I’m getting really scared of what is happening. Like, jokes aside, how fast everything is evolving with AI, because only three years ago, no one really talked, no one really went deep into AI. And now we are almost there where robots will be,working around us, with Tesla and all these new companies just popping up, showing the demos of their new robots.

And the technology has become so much available, cheaper and easier to get on. I think we just need to be careful and at least thank the ChatGPT in the end, because who knows? I hope that everything will be good, but the speed, how everything evolves, it just scares me a bit.

Host: I think at this point AI has grown so fast, but in the end it’s only grown as fast as the people behind it are building, if that makes sense. Once AI is allowed to start building itself, that’s when you should be scared. So we definitely have some time to go. But I agree we definitely have to be careful.

Q6: What role do community feedback and user engagement play with the development and refinement of AI and Web3 projects, especially right now with you guys building, how are you guys utilizing your community and the feedback engagement to really foster new technology or growth or just even polish you guys overall ecosystem?

Joseph: I think this kind of a point to touch on earlier. I think the UX and crypto is pretty terrible or has been like, it is improving. But people like Web2 users are normies. We did a workshop about four months ago and we’re giving people 500 euro in this workshop as a physical workshop to set up a MetaMask wallet and within ten minutes and no one person did it. So you’re kind of taking that as the baseline. We need to improve this process to bring Web2 user into Web3.

We’re working with a big sports agency, a big sports franchise in the US, and we’ve been working with them for about six months now, designing the wallet for about 1600 of their users. They’ve been open up their data and letting us kind of train some models, which has been pretty cool.It’s a very Web2 approach to building a great product, but obviously building it for Web3 users. So that’s what we’ve been focusing on. I think it’s massively important to engage with your users because in Web3, we all know what to do already. But in Web2, people coming from Web2 into Web3 aren’t there literally to be deacons or to trade, whatever, but they want to use cool tech and how can they use this tech in a way that makes their life a bit easier to do? You know what they’re doing in Web2, so you mix that Web3 experience with AI for efficiency. I think it’s such a huge, huge opportunity. Butwe’ve been designed with a sports franchise in the US. Now we’re going to roll out the data, MVP data in first week of June, which is quite exciting, so we can’t wait to announce it.

But for us, it’s been, we spend a lot of time actually designing the product for the last few months with the user. So for us, it’s paramount. It’s actually more important than AI or being blockchain because at the end, the users don’t really care what they’re using once it works for whatever they’re trying to do. So for us, it’s probably the most important thing that where we’re at right now with the product.

Host: I think that in the end, the user’s experience from the very get go is what’s important. So it doesn’t matter what flashy this or how much this or that’s going on, as long as the experience of the user right from the beginning is done well, they then can understand the platform from there. They’ll want to stay in the platform.

I’ve had so many times where I was really excited about a project and I went over there and I just couldn’t even navigate their product or their Dapps very well. And it’s a waste of my time. And I kind of left it. I felt bad because I loved the team and the product and what they were building, but in the end, they still had a long road to go before I was able to, really want to be in.

And I think that Web2 users coming in, their experience that to get them to be a loyal user, you have to get them right in the very beginning to be able to utilize the ecosystem and feel like they’re using the eyes of something powerful that they can understand.

Billy: In my opinions with Web3 and AI, skills like data analysis and no less about smart contracts, it’s like a bond of our project, but community feedback and user engagements, they are like lifeblood of AI and Web3 protein. So their input saves every aspect in our development and refinement processes. If we listening to our communities now, we can gain invaluable insight into the need preference and pinpoint, which is turn our guide to more priority and decisions to the community.

So community feedback serves as like compass that’s helping us to navigate the complex landscape of AI. And Web3 validates our ideas, identifies areas for improvements and ensure that we are building solutions that truly resonate with our users. And users engagement allow us test new features, gather the real world data and iterates based on user experience.

So our community is just not a group of users. They’re actually participants in the core creations of our projects. So their involvement not only right innovations, but also foster sense of ownership and belongings with our ecosystem. And like you said, I do afraid someday, AI will the world like Skynet on Terminator.

Host: That’s what I was thinking about when we’re talking about that because that’s obviously a scare that everybody will keep in their mind for a while. But now, I totally agree with you. User experience and then actually utilizing the product and really feeling the enjoyment of actually utilizing your utilities and getting the value out of it, I think that with the data that you’re getting is helps foster a more refined, polished platform, then in turn allows them to have more value and opportunity within the space.

AI has grown. Obviously it was an overplayed word of 2023, but I think as we move into 2024 and then like over the maturity of the last three years, it’s been going and building, I think that AI is definitely here. It’s going to stay and it’s only going to bring more value to the ecosystem.

Joseph: We’re building the smart agents. It’s going to be initially based on Solana before we go multi-chains, we’ve announcement got coming out next week about this. So please join our discord. Follow us on Twitter it’s vold_HQ. We’ve whitelisted about 600,000 people already. We’ve done our galaxy campaigns and we’re going to have some exciting news coming out in the next three weeks and three announcements.

So please follow us. Please engage in a community on Twitter. We’re going to get a lot more active because we’ve just been in pure product build mode the last four months. And if you follow us and support us, I think you’ll be excited and happy where we’re going to give the community.

Yura Mizin: We just launched our MVP as the Telegram mini app and it allows signal providers to add our bot to the channel and create and share signals with our bot and for traders and signal followers to choose signal providers from the list that from the pool of providers that are currently using Cryfi and also copy the signal, connect the and execute it right inside of a telegram. And we also have the whitelist now open for our upcoming NFT public sale which will open you a lot of utilities on our platform, the trading community, and will also get you whitelisted for our upcoming token sale next year.

So don’t miss it out. We have Pixel Realm and Trustfi onboarded as our launchpads. And also we are the, we are participating in the huge Token2049 Airdrop with other 50 products. So go to our social media, to our Twitter, check it out. Everything is there. A lot of plenty stuff.

Billy: We’re gonna running our DF testing within months. So imagine you ain’t bad day. You are a content creator and your boss want you to do a list of KPI for marketing campaigns, but you don’t know how to do it. Just download our apps, try to text to image and create your own contents. And it’s a huge potential for all users to try and experience our product too.

The insights offered during our session with AIPower, Pea.AI, and Vold underscored the profound implications of AI and Web3 convergence, revealing pathways to previously unimagined efficiencies and capabilities across various sectors. As we reflect on the rich dialogue and forward-thinking ideas presented, we hope this recap not only enriches your understanding but also sparks continued interest and dialogue in these transformative fields. Thank you for participating, and we look forward to welcoming you to future sessions that continue to explore the cutting edge of technology.




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